Challenges of Weight Loss for Women

One Rough Week

This is the end of the first week of my workout challenge. And for this week i started off slow so i used the slim in 6 dvd which is to sculpt out my six-pack this for me is the easiest way to start because my stomach is always the first place i see results. And for the other half of my workout i walked and ran outside to help my real problem area which is my thighs. Working out is something that I have always done however, it for me is just like a person in a dysfunctional relationship it’s on again off again. So since I’m ON right now im going to make this work, along with working out im also eating better more fish, less red meat, and having a fruit and veggie smoothie every morning using my trusty Vita Mixer. I think that most women who want to be fit let life get in the way and that is also my problem there is always something else I could be doing like homework for school,  going to work, or just being a couch potato. With this being the first full week of fitness im not going to lie it was hard but I did it and I’ve been sore everyday. I can already see a very small change in my body it very small but it motivates me to keep going. Cant wait to check in with you next week.

One Response to “One Rough Week”

  1. Nice Kelly! I think thats a great strategy to focus on your abs first since you know you’ll see results more quickly which is definitely motivating. I walked every day for just 5 days when I was on my vacation in New Orleans and I saw results in my stomach and legs. Now if I wasn’t so lazy to drive everywhere in LA, I could transfer walking to my daily lifestyle lol.

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